Peace and Security

Resolve the root causes of conlict and fostering peace in our community


  • Almost all conflicts in Northern Kenya are rooted in altercations over resources (water, pasture, livestock).
  • Erratic rainfall patterns (between 197mm – 1000mm annually) worsen water scarcity and nutritional stress for vulnerable populations. The security situation is compounded further especially when pastoralists migrate in search of water and pasture in disputed areas. 
  • Climate adversities and resource-based conflicts are worsened by deep-seated mistrust among warring groups/individuals – some root causes date back to the previous century.

Programs & Activities

Humanitarian Projects

Food Distribution

In partnership with local religious leaders, the Foundation distributes food supplies to communities affected by natural disasters (droughts, floods) or insecurity

Disaster Response

Disaster Response

Providing relief and assistance to communities impacted by insecurity which is rife in North Easter Kenya